Tuesday, November 17, 2009




By Colonel S.C. Sood (Retd)

(25, 26 May 2009)

I have been searching for ways and means of getting rid of stress and strain from my life since childhood. Probably, every one of us is doing the same. I am referring to mental stress and strain.

For insight into underlying principles of stress management, it is essential to recollect a biological term known as “mitosis”. Mitosis is the process of nuclear division in cells that produces daughter cells that are generally identical to each other and to the parent cell. It is a fact that a living organism remains alive as long as its body cells are in a continuous process of regeneration by way of mitosis. In layman’s language, this regeneration of cells is by way of division of one cell into two, two into four and so on. The body cells grow and eventually divide. It is worth noting here that no division, whatsoever, can take place without sufficient amount of stress and strain. In other words, this regeneration of cells is a result of growth and division under the action of stress and strain. This implies that two elements are essential for regeneration of life; firstly: growth and secondly: stress! In other words stress is an essential element for regeneration of life.

If that be so, all prayers to the Almighty for removal of the stress and strain from life are contrary to the natural system of regeneration of life. By retrospection of above analysis, I conclude that whenever I am under stress and strain, the life must be regenerating in my vicinity/environment/within me. Removal of stress means cessation of life. So, instead of cursing, I must welcome the new life energy around and rejoice.

To summarise,

I must understand that stress is essential for our growth and existence.

I must stop cursing when I am under stress and strain.

I must accept stress as a positive energy and an essential part of life.

Registering the above in my mind puts me in a state of peace and happiness. O! God, I Welcome the Stress of life. I must make the best use of this opportunity and look for new vistas.

No doubt stress is unpleasant, but we undergo so much agony because we consider stress and strain as something bad or curse or result of our sins etc. So, the stress is invariably unwelcome. The truth is beyond this. It is life giving! Understand the reality and enjoy. Get your Peace of Mind.

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